The constructor of the player
The Lavalink of the player
the id of the player, aka the guild id
the id of the player, aka the guild id
The Lavalink of the player
Whether or not the song that is playing is paused or not
Whether or not the player is actually playing anything
When the track started playing
The current track in Lavalink's base64 string form
The voiceUpdateState of the player, used for swtiching nodes
Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters.
This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring 'error'
events. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular
listeners are called.
Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an
event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no
regular 'error'
listener is installed.
The manager that created the player
Sends voiceUpdate information to lavalink so it can connect to discords voice servers properly
The data lavalink needs to connect and recieve data from discord
Sends a destroy signal to lavalink, basically just a cleanup op for lavalink to clean its shit up
Sets the equalizer of the current song, if you wanted to do something like bassboost
The bands that you want lavalink to modify read for more information
Pauses/Resumes the song depending on what is specified
Whether or not to pause whats currently playing
Plays the specified song using the base64 string from lavalink
The base64 string of the song that you want to play
Play options
Resumes the current song
Seeks the current song to a certain position
Seeks the song to the position specified in milliseconds, use the duration of the song from lavalink to get the duration
Stops the music, depending on how the end event is handled this will either stop
Use this to switch channels
The channel id of the channel you want to switch to
selfMute and selfDeaf options
Changes the volume, only for the current song
The volume as a float from 0.0 to 10.0. 1.0 is default.
The PlayerState of this Player
Generated using TypeDoc
The Player class, this handles everything to do with the guild sides of things, like playing, stoping, pausing, resuming etc