The constructor of the Manager
A Array of LavalinkNodeOptions that the Manager will connect to
The options for the Manager ManagerOptions
A Map of Lavalink Nodes
A Map of all the players
The send function needs for the library to function
The amount of shards the bot has, by default its 1
The user id of the bot this Manager is managing
A Map of all the VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE States
A Map of all the VOICE_STATE_UPDATE States
Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters.
This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring 'error'
events. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular
listeners are called.
Installing a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an
event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no
regular 'error'
listener is installed.
Gets all connected nodes, sorts them by cou load of the node
Connects all the LavalinkNodes to the respective Lavalink instance
Creating a LavalinkNode and adds it to the the nodes Map
The node options of the node you're creating
Disconnects everything, basically destorying the manager. Stops all players, leaves all voice channels then disconnects all LavalinkNodes
Connects the bot to the selected voice channel
The Join Data
Leaves the specified voice channel
The guild you want the bot to leave the voice channel of
Disconnects and Deletes the specified node
The id of the node you want to remove
Just a utility method to easily send OPCode 4 websocket events to discord
The guild is
Voice channel id, or null to leave a voice channel
Switch a player from one node to another, this is to implement fallback
The player you want to switch nodes with
The node you want to switch to
For handling voiceServerUpdate from the user's library of choice
The data directly from discord
For handling voiceStateUpdate from the user's library of choice
The data directly from discord
Generated using TypeDoc
The class that handles everything to do with Lavalink. it is the hub of the library basically